Montana Brewery Status Update And Television Interview

With the news of yet another brewery hitting town, Missoula’s KECI television station called for some insight into the state of breweries in Montana.  I happily obliged with an interview appropriately taking place at Draught Works Brewery.   You can watch the interview here (which I am unable to embed): With Triple Dog Brewing Co.…

Montana Expected To Be Top Barley Producer for 2014

Montana is the friendliest state for beer, says the financial publication Motley Fool (though I have a different take on that idea).  Nevertheless, here’s one statistic where Montana once again tops the chart: barley production. The American Malting Barley Association released its Prospective Plantings Report this week, noting that U.S. producers intend to seed 3.17…

Adult Beverage Trends for 2013 Include Plenty of Beer

Food industry consulting and research firm Technomic, Inc. recently released its top ten trends in adult beverages and beer makes the list in several spots.  Technomic used its ongoing research and surveys, interviews and discussions with brand marketers, on-premise and retail operators, bartenders and consumers to determine the major developments influencing adult beverages for 2013.…

Study: The Impact of Craft Brewing on Montana’s Economy

The University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research (there’s a mouthful) issued a press release yesterday about it’s study of the the impact craft brewing has on Montana’s economy.  The independent study, initially released at the Montana Brewers Association fall conference in Missoula, shows some impressive results.  As a whole, “the impact of…

Does Better Beer = Better Restaurant Sales?

On Friday the Brewers Association pointed to a recent study by Consumer Edge Insight suggesting a better beer selection improves restaurant sales.  No real surprise there, especially to beer geeks, but the data is still useful. As is probably becoming clear, I tend to look at what these kinds of studies aren’t saying as much…

The Session No. 67: How Many Breweries?

This month’s Session* topic is hosted by Derrick at Ramblings of a Beer Runner who begins with the following statistics: There’s been much cheering and fanfare reverberating throughout the brewing community about the latest brewery numbers recently released from the Brewer’s Association, who counted exactly 2,126 breweries in the United States.  To put that into context, you have to go way back to…

Why is Montana No. 2 in Breweries Per Capita?

I thought I was done with statistics for a while until an article titled The Geography of Craft Beer crossed my path. You might recall I recently mentioned I wasn’t too impressed with the “craft breweries per capita” statistic that now has Montana as No. 2 in the U.S.  It’s one of those statistics that…

Plant Any Beer Gardens Lately?

Mainstream media is at it again. A recent article in the Los Angeles Times points out that beer is more popular than wine as Americans’ booze of choice.  It appears a Gallup poll found 39% of American drinkers prefer beer while 35% favor wine. This doesn’t seem much like news as that’s been the case…