Streaking: Beer and Running Style

Tim Cigelske is THE Beer Runner.  (I, in contrast am content merely being A beer runner.) Tim writes the Beer Runner Blog for Draft Magazine, exploring the intersection between loving craft beer and living an active healthy lifestyle. For the year leading up to his 30th birthday, Tim decided to do something epic – run…

(Beer) Running Update No. 1: The Quest Begins

Today is Thursday, February 24, 2011.  It is still winter.  We’re being reminded of that with temperatures around 5 degrees and winds of 25 mph creating wind chills of 20 below.  The predicted snow is largely a bust, but it is not a day to be outside. Where we live in the Missoula Valley, we…

My Quest for 26.2

Miles. Not beers.  The beers come easy. Not the miles. There’s gifted athletes and then there’s me. Much more content drinking and writing about beer than pounding out the miles on the pavement. Still, from somewhere unknown comes a primeval need to compete.  Not against others. Against me. For me, actually. I’ve written before about…