When are you going to start bottling Blackfoot IPA? It’s a question Blackfoot River Brewing has been asked a million times, though in recent years the subject has shifted to cans.
The response never changed. With the exception of a comparatively few caged and corked special release bottles over the years, Blackfoot has never packaged its beers in bottles or cans during its 20 year history.
Blackfoot’s desire to ensure the delivery of fresh beer to its customers serves as the primary reason for its decision. The brewery has long had sufficient demand to justify growing (kegs of Blackfoot IPA are rationed out to distributors), but Blackfoot’s owners remain comfortable with their place in the market and with a work/customer environment that might disappear when growing just for growth’s sake.
But what do you do to celebrate reaching twenty years of craft brewing? With a wink and a nod to its customers, you give them what they want: Blackfoot River Single Malt IPA in cans.
And not just any cans, but cans with a badass black matte label and a neon logo that explodes off the background.

You’d be forgiven for wondering if the next ice age decided to pick Helena, Montana as its ground zero, but take note. The canning run is a one-time event to celebrate 20 years of Blackfoot River Brewing Co.
Cans of Single Malt IPA will go on sale at the brewery in Helena beginning at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, June 11, 2019. Sales are limited to 2 six-packs per person and only while the small supply lasts.

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UPDATE: It took less than 2.5 hours for Blackfoot to sell out its run of 20th anniversary Single Malt IPA cans.