Montana Brewers Association Spring Festival is Friday, May 31

Billings, it’s your turn.  After pulling off successful events in Bozeman and Missoula, the Montana Brewers Association heads east to Billings for its first Spring Festival of Montana-made beers from its member breweries.

This Friday, May 31, at the Billings Depot in downtown Billings, craft beer fans will have the opportunity to sample from 76 beers made by 23 of Montana’s breweries.  Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the gate and the event runs from 5 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

For $30 ($35 at the gate) you can get started at 4:00 p.m. for the Brewers VIP hour, giving you an opportunity to beat the crowd and spend some time meeting the brewers of your favorite beers.  Ticket prices include a 9-ounce “bottomless” tasting glass and an unlimited number of samples.*

Having attended similar events in Bozeman and Missoula during the MBA’s fall festival, I can attest to these events being an incredible opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of Montana beers, most of which are not readily available beyond a few miles from each brewery.

Food from local vendors will be available for purchase and live music will be provided by Keegan Smith and the Fam and Downtime (John Floridis will be playing during the VIP hours.) For the current beer list, head here and scroll down.

If you live in the Red Lodge area, Red Lodge Ales is offering a shuttle to and from the Spring Festival for a mere $15. There are only 22 seats and full payment is due by tomorrow, May 30, so call the brewery to find out if space remains (446-4607). 

* Play it smart, folks.  There isn’t really such a thing as a “bottomless” glass as State law (and practical well-being) prohibits anyone from being served who is actually, apparently, or obviously intoxicated.  Nine ounce glasses are very large for any festival where sampling is encouraged, expected and desired based on a great selection. That’s a lot of beer, so don’t be afraid to ask for a half pour. Okay, soap box over.