The 2012 Brewers Association World Beer Cup took place this past week in connection with the Craft Brewers Conference in San Diego and some Montana breweries took home some nice medals.
In the American-Style Wheat Beer category, Montana Brewing Co. (Billings) took the Gold Medal for Whitetail Wheat while Lewis & Clark Brewing Co. (Helena) got the Silver Medal for Miner’s Gold.
Montana Brewing Co. impressed the judges in a second category, taking the Silver Medal in the Ordinary or Special Bitter category for its Happy Hour Hero Ale.
Kettlehouse Brewing Co. (Missoula) continues to collect the awards for its Cold Smoke Scotch Ale, receiving the Bronze Medal in the Scotch Ale category.
The World Beer Cup is held every two years and the 2012 installment in San Diego was the largest commercial international beer competition ever held. Of the 3,921 entries, 1,270 came from outside the U.S. 799 breweries from 54 countries and 45 U.S. states participated. Montana breweries had 29 entries and won 4 awards, a pretty impressive record.
Congrats to our Montana winners!