With a name like Discombobulator it has to be . . . . . . . well, dangerous, probably. It is a regular seasonal from the Kettlehouse Brewing folks and I stopped in for my first pint of it this past weekend. Discombobulator pours a dark mahogany brown with a fairly white head. It has a very malty/caramel aroma. The strong malt initial taste transitions into a slightly bitter aftertaste, with something in there that is slightly astringent or even burnt tasting. I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve noticed a similar taste in the aftertaste of Kettlehouse’s Hemptobersplif. By astringent, I don’t mean in a offensive way, just a noticeable presence. Kind of like how some dark coffees have an astringent finish to them. I’d be curious to know what it is. According to Kettlehouse’s website, this beer carries an 8.5% abv with 22 IBUs, though the board in the brewery suggested this batch came in at 7.8% abv.
Name: Discombobulator Dopplebock
Brewery: Kettlehouse Brewing Co., Missoula, MT.
Style: Dopplebock.
Color: Dark Mahogany
Packaging: draft at the Myrtle Street location.
Stats: 7.8% abv, ? IBU.
Bought: Kettlehouse Brewing Co.
Ruling: Three out of Five Hops.